[Photo of me, on the morning of 10/30/18... in East Orange, NJ's Monte Irvin Orange Park]

NOTE: This blog is 'intended' for a cellular basis, so posts will be rendered in a fashion... that promotes mobility...

IN THE NEWS: ARTICLES & VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS (featuring intermittent captions)

8:35 AM (5/25/23):
(kids grow up fast, these days)

6:48 AM (5/25/23):
I think who one is, in high school (and what one does, during those years)... has great influence, on what one is like... in one's thirties, and beyond... 

6:40 AM (5/25/23):
I had uploaded some photos, to this blog... yesterday (regarding an outing with my mom, to COSTCO and Livingston Mall)... but they did not register (as I had thought, they had)...
(at Barnes & Noble... in Livingston, NJ, at 12:33 PM... yesterday - 5/24/23... can you identify the notable celebrities?)

8:05 AM (5/25/23):
Perhaps my issue, correlated to 'the above' article (regarding yesterday)...

1:23 PM (5/23/23):
Apparently (and statistically) there is 'a dip' after one gets past the age range of 65-74, and reaches 75... ...perhaps this is due to the 'typical' life expectancy, of humans... who lead conventional lives...
(this observation, may allude to the fact... that there is a relationship, between health and wealth... that is arguably consistent, up to a certain age)
What does it mean to be frugal? In an intrinsic sense, perhaps that is in the context... of Matthew 19:24, of the bible...
At some point, you reach a weight that is a threshold... for being healthy or unhealthy, regarding one's body mass index and energy level...

7:52 AM (5/23/23):

7:38 AM (5/23/23):

IN THE NEWS: ARTICLES & VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS (featuring intermittent captions)

11:46 AM (7/12/22):
There is recreational (domestic) travel, world (international) travel and space ('interstellar') travel... 

11:41 AM (7/12/22):
"When I was in high school, Carl Sagan was one of the scientists that I related to best... when fueling my understanding, of the cosmos... in the context, of 'human philosophy'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:29 AM (7/12/22):
"I thought 'part 2' of the NASA James Webb telescope briefing, was more informative and captivating... than the first. I believe the Carl Sagan quote that NASA administrator, Bill Nelson, used... at the end, is fitting... when questioning who may live, in the featured galaxies..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Somewhere, something incredible... is waiting to be known..." - Carl Sagan

11:10 AM (7/12/22):
(potato salad and some chicken nuggets, with lemonade... as of 11:06 AM, today)

10:30 AM (7/12/22):
What is humans' role in the cosmos, in the context of our galaxy ('the Milky Way')... in relation to others?

10:25 AM (7/12/22):

10:23 AM (7/12/22):
If you get a strong start in life, that equips you with the foundation necessary... for an 'ideal finish'... but one has to adhere to a certain trajectory, in order for such to happen...

9:53 AM (7/12/22):
CAPTION: NASA reveal of first images from James Webb telescope (Part 2 of yesterday's briefing)

9:07 AM (4/10/22): 
"Interesting video of Hugues Zango, triple jumping (indoors) 18.07 meters (59'3") on January 16, 2021... in Aubiere, France..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:16 AM (4/10/22):
"Personally, I believe of all the long jumpers... that Ivan Pedroso was the one who was most inclined for 9 meters (29'6")... due to his jumping technique and form..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:59 AM (4/10/22):
"There are many 'amateur athletes' in sports, who may not necessarily have 'international-level or world class' performances... but exhibit signs, of entering that arena... Many people are fit in adolescence, but to maintain a certain physique/physiology... requires effort, and discipline... regarding exercise and one's dietary regimen..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:04 PM (4/10/22): 
"I just got off the phone with my mom, after conversing for about 5-10 minutes... I told her that there is something wrong in her head, if she thinks me not seeing my middle brother, JJ, since late 2018... is acceptable (given that according to her, he has been in New Jersey... that whole time)... This is in the context of his prior paraphernalia usage, which got him in trouble with law enforcement... in 2016 (for heroin possession, which is a felony in New Jersey)... My mom had downplayed what happened, so I was unaware of the exact nature of his criminality... when I had been financially extorted by him (via my mom)... as of November 2018... until I won a lawsuit I filed against my mom, on 3/6/19... for such..." - Michael Izuchukwu
12:24 PM (4/10/22):
"Silence as of late, outside my window... Such doesn't negate the fact that for my first 9 months in East Orange, NJ, dumbfucks kept beeping their car horns... near the intersection, where I live... At one point, I assumed they all had been microchipped... and were pawns of the military..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:31 PM (4/10.22): "For the aforementioned reason, I look up to 'no one' but Jesus Christ... there is not a single soul out there, that could withstand what I have been through... since 3/6/19... when I embarked on an expedition... which would last till 3/23/20 (but not be done officially, until 7/25/20... or so)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:35 PM (4/10/22): "When you've been 'fully' abandoned by God, you will learn the true meaning... of fear..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:52 PM (4/10/22): 
"Is the meaning of life, to win in such... and if so, how?" - Michael Izuchukwu
2:58 PM (4/10/22): "In the context of the attributes of the spirit, mind and body... once one has reached the upper limits of one's form/physicality... one will have to use the former two variables, to figure out where to go... assuming one achieves 'asymptotic aging'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:10 PM (4/10/22):
“But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him, shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him… shall be in him a well of water… springing up, into everlasting life…” – John 4:14 (according to Jesus Christ)
